Starting out from a Bridge Club outing, our activity breaks have grown by osmosis over the years. Led by experts in their fields, these breaks are sociable, entertaining and suitable for all - no matter your level of skill or experience.
Have you ever thought that you could make a better job of running the government in a crisis ? Well good news - now is your chance !
Walk through the movies that have provided a backdrop to our lives, all lavishly illustrated with clips from the appropriate movies.
Consider the evidence, reach your own verdict, then decide whether or not justice was well served by the historical outcome.
Choose from four different Art History Breaks, offered by either Adrian Sumner or Bertram Aitchison at The Green Park.
Dr Liz Auty and Karen van Eeden whose knowledge and passion for wildlife stems from working on reserves.
Alfred Allan - the well known Fife based painter - becomes our artist in residence this January and February.
January and February Dances at The Green Park Hotel. Our early season dances have evolved over time almost by osmosis.
Run by the experienced Ian and Liz Ross. Ian is a past National Tournament Director and helps with International and SBU events.
David Brown is a highly experienced professional photographer, and is an Associate of the Institute of Professional Photographers.
Henry Howarth helps you solve Cryptic Crosswords. The simplest clues gradually build to more advanced cryptic puzzles.
Ian France - a self-confessed born romantic - is an enthusiastic and entertaining music appreciation expert with a "light touch".
Richard Moore is a lecturer and creative writer, and he has over eighty plays and musical works to his name.
Darren Harper welcomes both beginner and intermediate writers interested in flash fiction, short stories, novellas or the novel.
Ian Garden is an authority on war film propaganda - especially the film and media of World War Two.
Hogmanay Break at The Green Park. Come and enjoy pleasant company and traditional Scottish hospitality.
Programmes for all of the different kinds of breaks are available from reception. Please just ask for whatever copies you need, and we will gladly advise on availability of places.